King George V Playing Field

The King George V Playing Field was dedicated 15 October 1936 in memory of King George V. The land was originally given by Mr. Ernest Bentall to the Borough of Maldon and subsequently transferred to the Parish Council to forever remain a King George V Playing Field.

The King George V Playing Fields (living national memorials) are styled and distinguished by heraldic panels or other appropriate tablet medallion or inscription commemorative of His Late Majesty and of a design approved by the Administrative Council.

The Playing Field is one of 471 across the United Kingdom. The playing fields remain under the ownership of Fields in Trust (formerly King George V Foundation, National Playing Fields Association) and managed by the Parish Council.There are strict covenants and conditions that ensure that the public will continue to benefit from the open playing field in perpetuity.

The Parish Council charges a fee for use of the Playing Field as a football pitch and also for other events. The fees collected goes toward the maintenance of the Field.

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